Thứ Bảy, 11 tháng 9, 2010

My own land

My country about from 160 degrees E to 160 degrees W latitude and it about 20 degrees to 40 degree longtude.It near Hawaii and in Pacific Occean.Car land not belong to 5 continent and it on the middle of the world.
The climate is tropical,it favorable for growth rice,papper,coffee.Trafficalways stable no trafficjam.Under the hot dersert there is many bullion are hidding in there.On the plateau many iron mountain has been exploted for buliding armoured car.
Car land's culture same as USA and Vietnam culture.It has 2 main religions are Christianity and Buddhism.
Vietnam is found out this land because the land has many resoures.Alfter that USA come to Car land for resoures Vietnam and USA have a war.Alfter the war Vietnam and USA combine together and build Car land become technology land.
In Car  land people speak 2 languages 1 is English 1 is Vietnamese.A half of them are minority.Minority live on the plateau.

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