1What is the main point of this article?
The main point is people are killing nature.
2List four vocabulary words that you do not recognize or understand, lookup the definitions, write them out using your own words.
Drought: Dry for a long time
Dozen: 12 or more
Decade: group or division of ten
Theorized: make opinion thing to a makesence thing
3What is the difference between “weather” and “climate”?
Weather:The nature reaction kind of rainy or sunny for a short period.
Climate:The nature reaction for a season or a year
4What are the examples listed in the article of “extreme weather”?
Monsoon rain
5What experiences have you had with “extreme weather”?
I have an experience about drought in Vietnam
6What does the word “perception” mean?
7What is your “perception” of global climate change?
Turn the light when it not on use
Throw transh in the bin
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